Our Bill Review Services vastly reduce bill review charges by scanning and imaging bills to acquire data, reducing provider charges to the correct fee schedule or UCR, and performing manual audits on bills that require additional review before validation.
23% Savings on Loss and LAE!
An extensive ruleset identifies issues to automatically return bills and alerts adjusters to concerns and considerations before making payment decisions.
- Vastly reduces bill review charges.
- Manual audits ensure all charged services are valid.
- With bill review services, clients receive additional PPO and partner re-pricing at a reduced rate.
- Extensively leverage medical bill analytics for fraud identification, provider profiling, and process optimization.
- Leverage automation to reduce cost per claim and improve accuracy and outcomes.
PPO/Partner Re-Pricing
We offer comprehensive re-pricing negotiation services with options beyond the capabilities of your current bill review solutions. Our agreements with industry-leading PPO partners deliver the best rates for our clients, allowing you to save on medical expenses.
- Complex review services.
- Implant re-pricing.
- Specialty bill review.
- Retro contract repricing of specialty networks.
- Re-pricing negotiation saves additional money on top of APS’s Bill Review savings.
- Our negotiated discounts with PPO partners ensure the best rates.
- Eliminate bills before expensive partner services.
- Achieve measurable increases in cost savings and penetration.
- We receive the claim feed from your claims system (most can be accepted in their current form).
- APS accesses medical bill images from your mailroom or image/claim system.
- We convert data, export all images, and repriced data back into your claim system.